
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

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Press Invitation August 10, 2018

Berlin, 10/8/2018. Ende Gelände takes part in the protests against fossil gas organized by the Dutch climate justice coalition Code Rood (Red Alert). From  August 24-31, hundreds of activists from all over Europe will come together at the Dutch climate camp near Groningen. On August 28, Code Rood calls for blockades of the local gas infrastructure. This action of civil disobedience is to emphasize their demand for an immediate phase-out of fossil energies in Europe.

You are welcome to report about the Code Rood action, either before and or during the protest. We are happy to connect you to activists of Ende Gelände for interviews. It is also possible to accompany activists into the action.

„Gas has to stay in the ground – here and everywhere“, says Renske Vermeer from Code Rood. „Gas is not a transition fuel. Nam, Shell and Exxon have to take responsibility – for the safety of Groningen and the climate. When NAM and the Dutch government negotiate new contracts in October, we demand a radical U-Turn. Phase out gas immediately to prevent further damages! The damages that have already been done must at last be compensated in a fair way.“

„Wood fires, heat waves, harvest loss: this summer has shown us a glimpse of a heated planet“, says Karolina Drzewo, press spokes person from Ende Gelände. „The only way to prevent a hot-house climate is to phase out fossil fuels immediately.“

Europe’s biggest gas field is situated in Groningen. Several times a week, the region suffers from earth quakes caused by extraction, which lead to grave damages to the buildings. People who live in Groningen have been fighting to make NAM take financial responsibility for their operations. In the beginning of 2018, about 12.000 inhabitants rallied for a demonstration to express their anger. While fossil gas is extracted and transported, a substantial part of gas it is leaked into the atmosphere. Methane, main component of gas, is a potent greenhouse gas and heats up the climate significantly.

In 2016, Germany obtained 30% of her gas imports from the Netherlands.

At the site of action, the Code Rood press team will be present to answer your questions.

Here you will find information about how to get there: https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/code-rood/ The exact place will be made public soon.

On August 27, 2.30 pm there will be a public action training for the media. If  you would like to take part, please contact the Dutch press team.

From October 25-29, Ende Gelände organizes their own action of civil disobedience in the Rhineland Coalfield, demanding the protection of the Hambach Forest and an immediate German coal phase out.

Karolina Drzewo, press spokes person Ende Gelände, also at the site of action:
+49 152 04560800

Contact Code Rood:
Renske Vermeer
+31 6 475 94 636

Last modified 13/08/2018