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Legal Aid Booklet

In the Legal Aid Booklet for actions in North Rhine – Westphalia (05/2019, PDF in English) *) , you will find detailed information on the following subjects:

  • Forms of action and legal basis
  • ID determination and refusal
  • Measures by the police
  • After the action
  • Information regarding the right of residence
  • Being minor and active

Legal Aid Booklet (NRW 05/2019) as audio book (sorry, only in German)

You can also download the legal aid booklet as an audio book here! Simply right-click on the file and then “Save target as…”. Download the entire audio book as one file here . You can also find the audio book on SoundCloud. Here are the single chapters:

  1. Einleitung
  2. Aktionsformen und gesetzliche Grundlagen
  3. Personalienfeststellung und -verweigerung
  4. Polizeiliche Maßnahmen
  5. Nach der Aktion
  6. Aufenthaltsrechtliche Infos
  7. Minderjährig und aktiv

*) On innovations in the Legal Aid Booklet :

What’s new in the version 09/2020? ( available here but only in German)

  • In our introduction now you will find information on the subject “Racism and Repression” (Point 1.2) and several notes regarding an anti-racist handling of repression. (passt das so denkt ihr?)
  • Also we completed the point concerning “pre-trial detention” (U-Haft) (4.3.2 Detention awaiting trial (Untersuchungshaft)) with experiences of the last year.

What’s new in the version of 05/2019?

  • Some important modifications have to be considered since the turn of the year 201/2019 due to the extended permissions of the new police law in NRW.
    The most important development is the extended holding time in custody for ID determination.
    See therefore point “3.2 ID refusal”.
  • We have also revised the point on pre-trial detention in the light of recent events.
    Siehe dazu Punkt “4.3.1 Custody and arrest”.
  • Some additions have also been made on the subject of confiscation.
    See therefore point “4.2.4 Confiscation of objects”.