This was: Ende Gelände 2020

“The climate justice movement is back!” – Ende Gelaende ends successful weekend of action
The international climate justice movement “Ende Gelaende” (“Here And No Further!”) declared the end of the action weekend today. More than 3,000 activists blocked coal and gas infrastructure in Rhineland mining area, in western Germany. Ende Gelaende calls for an end to all fossil fuels and a fundamental system change. Continue reading …
Wet and crisp – this was Ende Gelände 2020 in the Rhineland
Fighting the Crisis since 2015!
Action report on Ende Gelände’s action 2020
The Ende Gelände ticker (sorry, only in German)
The Press Review to the Action
A collection of news (TV, newspapers) is available in our Press Review .
Fotos at Flickr
All news about the action 2020
The collected infos about the action (and its preparation)
Disobedient against capitalism and for climate justice – worldwide!
Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, extinction of species, stronger and more frequent weather extremes – these are just some of the many consequences of climate change. Those who have contributed the least are particularly hard hit: people in the Global South are already losing their homes because of the climate crisis. The climate crisis is intensifying the existing injustices worldwide. With such prospects for the future, it should go without saying that the effects of climate change should be kept to a minimum. But the reality in politics looks different: The climate protection measures adopted there, are no more than window dressing.
Datteln IV must not be connected to the grid!
Despite the decision to exit coal, the Uniper Group still wants to commission its new coal-fired power plant in 2020. This threatens to increase CO2 production by 10 million tons. We will not allow this to happen and stop it from going into operation: Shut shit down – now!
System Change not Climate Change!
We can’t tackle climate change or ensure global social justice without moving away from capitalism fuelled by fossil fuels. Deep socio-economic changes are needed to enable everyone to lead a good life.
All villages stay – worldwide!
Together we fight for climate justice! We will not allow the climate to heat up any further, islands to sink into the sea and more villages to be dredged for dirty brown coal.
All villages stay – in the Rhineland and worldwide.!
We are the immediate coal exit!
The time to act is now! Around the 27 th September we will fight destruction and block the coal infrastructure in the Rhineland in a mass action of civil disobedience. Coal exit is still manual work: let’s go – Ende Gelände!