
Stop Coal. System Change now!


Press contacts


    • Ronja Weil: +49 151 413 745 27 (also enquiries in English)
    • Kim Solievna: +49 177 967 68 05

You will find photos of our actions on our flickr account .

You are welcome to report about our action, in the days before or right from site of action. We are happy to give interviews. It’s also possible to accompany activists into the action.

Information about past actions:

  • Photos from past actions are available on the Ende Gelände flickr account . In this flickr-account you will find folders with „freie Nutzung“ – these pictures you can use without paying if you mention the name of the photographer

Public action training & briefing before the action

On Friday, 29 November 2019 we offer you a public action training, where you can film and photograph. Afterwards a press briefing will take place, to which we invite you in particular if you would like to accompany activists. We will inform you about the exact time and place for those events on short notice.

Press release, 30 November 2019, 5pm

30. November 2019 "Ende Gelaende" ends successful mass action of civil disobedience +++ Radical protest against climate crisis and for immediate coal phase-out

Press release, 30 november 2019, 12:30 pm

Successful disobedient mass action in Lusatia coal fields +++ 4,000 climate activists in open-cast mines and on coal railways +++ Fridays For Future Demonstration at power station

Press release, 30 november 2019, 7:30 am

Ende Gelaende action day against lignite mining in Eastern Germany begins ++ Thousands of activists set off to block lignite mining infrastructure in the wake of COP25

Press Invitation, 20 November 2019

20. November 2019 Thousands expected at climate protests in Lusatia coalfield on 30 November + Massive civil disobedience to confront failed German climate policy + Public action training and press briefing on 27 November 2019

Press release, 22 October 2019, 10:30am

22. October 2019 Climate mass action in Germany's Lusatian lignite fields on 30 November 2019 ++ Climate justice movement Ende Gelaende to enter and block lignite mines and power plants

Press release, 23 June 2019, 1.50 pm

23. June 2019 Coal operations in Rhineland coalfield shut down after mass actions of civil disobedience ++ Ende Gelände is ending blockades after 48 hours

Press release – June 21, 2019 – 7.20 pm

21. June 2019 Activists are currently shutting down coal tracks in Garzweiler mine near Cologne ++ Germany's largest coal power station cut off from coal supply ++ Second wave of disobedient action expected for Saturday

Press Release 16 June, 2019

16. June 2019 Action camp by Ende Gelände will be set up today in Viersen from 2pm on ++ Court rules camp site legal ++ Thousands on their way to coal protests in the Rhineland coalfield + Reminder press conference and public action training


11. June 2019 Thousands expected for climate protests in Rhineland coalfield + Massive disobedience to confront failed German climate policy + Public action training and press briefing on 20 June 2019

Press Release, 6 May 2019

6. May 2019 Mass action of civil disobedience announced +++ Rhineland mining area to be shut down +++ joint action weekend from June 19th-24th

Presse release, 1 February 2019

1. February 2019 Climate activist block roads and bridges in Berlin, demanding immediate coal exit ++ Germany’s plan to exit coal by 2038 will miss Paris Agreement climate targets ++