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Travel by Bus

Different, specific information about the Lusatia Action in the autumn 2019 will little by little be summarized here .

The information below was compiled for the Rhineland Action in the summer 2019 and can
not always be applied 1 to 1 the Lusatia Action in the autumn 2019.

Here you find all registered buses ( red ):

To register for a bus , click on the markers on the map and get in touch with the organizers via mail or their webpage. You don’t need anything more then a valid email-address to get in contact with them. If there is no contact yet, just write us a mail busmobi@ende-gelaende.org ( PGP-Key ) and we will connect you with the organizers of the bus.

In case you want to organize own busses, just have a look in our Busguide (DE|EN). It will guide you step by step to learn what is important to know for a) the organization, b) how to let people know about the bus, and c) what you should keep in mind for the journey.