
Stop Coal. System Change now!

Legal Follow-up

2017 is not the first time we meet with EndeGelaende in the Rhineland. We made many exciting experiences before, during and after our actions 2015 in the Rhineland and 2016 in the Lausitz region. Police and the judiciary stayed close on our heels.


The Legal Team for all represents the main place to go to fight repression during the action days 2017. If you have questions please address legalteam@ende-gelaende.org ( pgp-Key ). You should by all means also get into touch if you receive letters from authorities. Our solidarity against their repression!

EA-Phone 2017: +49 30 340 603 13

Those of you who received post from the police, law courts or Vattenfall for taking part in the 2016 demonstration should contact the legal team as quickly as possible. cat@nirgendwo.info The key can be downloaded here.

If you are contacted by the police, the prosecutor or RWE-lawyers then reach out to antirrr@riseup.net ( pgp-key )

Do not sign anything without prior consultation – together we are strong!