
Basta de Carbón. ¡Protejamos el Clima!

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Press release - June 21, 2019 - 7.20 pm

Viersen, June 21, 2019

Breaking – Several hundred climate activists are occupying the tracks of a coal trainline this moment, thus cutting off the supply line of Germanys largest coal power plants Neurath and Niederaussen. Several thousand activists are on their way to interrupt coal infrastructure at other places.

“We are putting our bodys on the line today to shut down Europe’s second dirtiest coal power plant. The power company RWE continues to extract coal and destroys our future for short term profit. We are not only shutting down this coal plant, we are standing up against a destructive economic system”, – explains Kathrin Henneberger, spokesperson for theEnde Gelaende coalition.

Ende Gelände is an international grass-roots movement, demanding the immediate coal phase-out and a fundamenta l system change. Activists from all over Europe are participating in the actions of civil disobedience. Additionally an international Friday’s for Future demonstration with more than 40,000 students from 16 different countries took place in Aachen today, only 50 kilometers away from the Rhineland coal fields.

Sina Reisch: +49 177 967 68 05
Nike Mahlhaus: +49 157 874 141 71
Kathrin Henneberger: +49 152 045 608 00


Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133937251@N05/albums/72157709184037252